Nonprofit hero illustration

Notion para organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro

Les damos un empujoncito a las organizaciones del 501(c)3, que trabajan para resolver los problemas más graves del mundo, con un 50 % de descuento en nuestro plan Plus.

Más de 2000 organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro de todo el mundo confían en Notion

Esto es lo que ofrece nuestro plan Plus

Si tu organización tiene certificación 501(c)3 en EE. UU., puedes usar todas las funciones del plan Plus por 4 USD en lugar de 8 USD por miembro al mes. Invita a todo el mundo a colaborar y compartir información en un solo lugar.

FuncionesNotion Plus Plan
Gestión de proyectos
Edición mediante arrastrar y soltar
Automatic page hierarchy
Colaboración en tiempo real
Funcionalidad completa en app móvil
Gantt, kanban board, timeline views

The flexibility of Notion has allowed it to become the brain of our organization, holding information from onboarding materials, knowledge hubs, to project planning and tracking.
Joanne NgDir.ª de Operaciones Globales
We have many important stakeholders. Notion allows us to have one source of truth that we can design, share and update, making it the most flexible joint workspace.
Shaan HathiramaniCEO
Our team uses Notion as the go-to resource to find key organizational info - from policies and benefits to conference planning, calendars and more.
Alix EmdenJefa de Operaciones

People typing

Cómo solicitar

Avión de papel

1. Apply

We work with TechSoup to validate 501(c)3 registration. This usually takes 3-5 business days and a one-time admin fee. You will be directed to TechSoup's website.

Non-profits flying pages

2. Decision

Once your organization is approved by TechSoup, you will receive an email with a unique, single-use discount code. Follow the instructions given by Techsoup to claim your discount and allow the Notion team additional processing time to directly apply your discount to the workspace of your choosing.


3. Mejorar plan

Accede a «Configuración y miembros» en Notion y haz clic en «Mejorar plan» o «Planes» en la barra lateral. En «Plus», haz clic en «Mejorar plan» e introduce el código de descuento durante el proceso de compra. Esto reducirá inmediatamente el premio a la mitad.

Before, it was so hard to stay on top of fundraising. Now that we use Notion, we've raised 100,000 dollars just in the last year.

Fernando Urbina

Director de Promoción,

Plantillas de Notion para organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro

Empieza a dirigir tu equipo en Notion con estas configuraciones predefinidas. Haz clic en «Duplicar» en la parte superior derecha para añadirlas a tu espacio de trabajo.

Recaudación de fondos para organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro

Board management

Gestión de donaciones

Donor management

Volunteer management

Job board

Toda la información de nuestro equipo está en Notion: de la misión a los mensajes de marketing y las métricas clave, pasando por las opiniones de los clientes.

Amelia Crook

Jefa de Producto, Australian Red Cross

Document with magnifying glass

Frequently asked questions

How do I apply for the Notion for Nonprofits discount?

To apply, please go to We work with TechSoup to validate 501(c)3 registration. This usually takes 3-5 business days and an admin fee.

Each organization can request up to 3 workspaces to be discounted.

Once your organization is approved by TechSoup, you will receive an email with a unique, single-use use discount code and a form link to select your Notion workspace you want the upgrade to be applied to. The Notion team will apply the discount to your workspace so please allow additional processing time.

¿Qué ocurre después de enviar mi solicitud?

After you submit your application through, the TechSoup team will verify your application in 3-5 business days. Once your organization is approved by TechSoup, you will receive an email with a unique, single-use discount code to upgrade your Notion account.

Once you have your discount code, go to Settings and Members in Notion, and click Upgrade or Plans in the sidebar. Under Team, click Upgrade and enter your discount code during the checkout process. This will immediately take half off the cost.

You'll receive an invoice from Notion at the discounted rate in the email you provided, which you can pay via credit card, ACH, or wire transfer.

I submitted an application for the Notion for Nonprofits discount program. When should I hear back?

Thanks for applying! You'll hear back from us in 3-5 business days.

Trabajo como docente/personal en una institución de educación primaria o secundaria. ¿Puedo solicitar el plan?

We offer 50% off our Team plans for administrators, staff, and educators in K-12. We require documentation supporting your institution's accreditation and/or nonprofit status in the application form. Reach out to your institution's central administrator for the documentation.

I am an educator/staff at a higher education institution. Can I apply?

Yes. We offer 50% off our Team plans for administrators, staff, and educators. We require documentation supporting your institution's accreditation status in the application form. Reach out to your institution's central administrator for the documentation.

Formo parte de un club u organización estudiantil sin ánimo de lucro. ¿Puedo solicitar el descuento?

Yes! We require documentation supporting your organization's nonprofit accreditation status in the application form.

My nonprofit is not based in the US. Can I still apply?

The Nonprofit discount is currently only offered for nonprofits who operate in the United States, and have been certified as a 501(c)3 organizations by the U.S. tax code (learn more here).

For example, if you're a UK-based organization that has U.S. 501(c)(3) status for donation purposes only, you will not be eligible for the program unless your organization operates services in the U.S.

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Run your entire org with our discounted Team plan.