
<aside> 👋 Hi, I'm Mártyn, literally a frontend developer (resume) and figuratively an artist.

Some people know me as Vladimir Martynenko, but is so boring and official.

I develop interfaces and make team processes better. Make talks and doing educational projects.

You can reach me at Telegram


ℹ️ About me

I'm ~30. I make my living doing web interfaces and business automation.

I lived in Lensk (Yakutia) → Novosibirsk → St. Petersburg → Kaliningrad → Dilijan 🇦🇲. In the last place I live for the first year.

Went into programming in 2016, and before that I tried all sorts of things, from construction handyman to founder of culinary kit delivery.

And then I worked a lot of jobs. Not that it's something to be proud of, but the collection is awesome: Noveo, BlackDeckCrew, Breadhead, GdeMaterial, Semrush, Kode, 12 Storeez, Elbrus Bootcamp.

Why so many things? Simple, my focus is on opportunity, not on maintaining the status quo. People like me are called "polymaths," "scanners," "changers," "ADHD-ers," "Zoomers," or whatever, but the main thing here is the thrill of discovery.

❤️ What I like

I love being in a state of "above myself." That's why I made blog "So Meta". I also like to invent something of my own and give it names. Here are examples:

I also enjoy giving talks and lectures. I am always willing to speak on an interesting topic. You can 🎤 read more here.

📦 Projects.

I collect personal projects and occasionally get nostalgic on a list of them.

You may know me from such ventures as: