Hello world! 🌎

I'm Wildan, I used to write notes here. But nowadays, they’re in Github Gist. You can check them here: wzulfikar.com/notes


An example of what I write is “Problem-based”. They’re the notes I write when I face a technical problem and have found a solution.


🧶 = problem, 💡= solution

🧶 [Must download 20GB of xcode just to use clang or make](<https://gist.github.com/wzulfikar/ba2f58d7aeeb3cf53743316f96f91594?permalink_comment_id=4332714#gistcomment-4332714>) 💡 sudo xcode-select -switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools

🧶 I want to execute a specific function (eg. main) if the JS file is ran from node cli 💡 require.main == module && main();

See all problem-based notes in Gist →


