This notion acts as the public source of truth for updates and activity happening with the Uniswap Foundation Grants Program. The entire workspace is a work in progress and will expand as the program becomes more robust!

To start, please feel free to join us on this journey in building the program together with relevant links below. For any questions, concerns, or just to start a conversation, reach out to us on twitter (@UniswapFND) or email us!

❗Apply Now❗

Applications are now rolling indefinitely - no deadlines and no pressure. Just pure innovation...

Looking for a grant? Start here!

🦄 UNI Grants Application🦄

Uniswap Foundation Grants Wish List

Unigrants Community Analytics Program (UGPCA)

Uniswap Hacker Getting Started Guide

Want to learn about UGP?

UGP Process Outline


Meet the Grantees

UGP Blog

Hello, [UNI]World!

State of the UNI(on) Grants Program!

UGP Q1 Updates

UGP Wave 2 & Operational Updates

UGP Wave 3 - V3 for the People

UGP V3 Dashboard Bounties

The Stable - the first 30 days

UGP Wave 4 - I Open at the Close

The Stable Wave 2 And Status Update

UGP & ETHGlobal Present: UniCode

UGP Wave 5 - The Community & Beyond