🚨 UPDATE: My book FRIENDLY AMBITIOUS NERD is out! Buy it now: gum.co/FANbook
Hello! I'm @visakanv, my friends call me Visa. I'm a 31yo Singaporean "digital native" who grew up on the Internet, writing prolifically across many mediums. I've gotten a bit of a reputation for my Twitter threads – check out Aaron Lewis's post The Spreading of Threading for some context on that. This is a work-in-progress post consolidating my often-revisited, often-shared twitter threads. Want to incentivize me to spend more time + energy on making this better? Support me on Patreon!
(PS: If you prefer audio, here's a list of links to podcast episodes I've been on: visakanv.com/podcasts/)
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These are good threads to get a sense of my “operating system”, the beliefs and ideas near the core of my thinking, my ways of seeing.
- "exploring my curiosity" threads – these are some of my all-time favorite threads, where I just pick some object or idea or concept and then start exploring and learning and tweeting as I go. (I'd love it if you did these too! Tag me in one, and I'll add it to this list.)
- “RT for more takes” – I recently revisited this thread and was surprised by how well it captures many of my top-of-mind ideas.
- FAQs about cultivating taste and building a body of work – I'm very proud of these, I think I somehow managed to distill a lot of important points into a rather small space.
- FAQs I get about my threads themselves – how I think about them, how I do them, etc – particularly check out the thread about threading as a solution to fragmentation
- video snippets that have moved me deeply over the years – it would not be inaccurate to say that some of these videos are part of the reason why I'm still alive. It's a significant part of why I do what I do.
- movies thread – particularly the Mean Girls thread, which has relevance even to geopolitics
- tv thread – don't miss the Margaery Tyrell appreciation thread
- games thread – I enjoyed analyzing the addictiveness of Firaxis games
- 10 big ideas that have changed my life
- thread of my best one-liners
- weird-offbrand thoughts
- "half-joking" thread
- self authorship – a recurring, bleak conversation I've had with many friends