Top 10 Free Diary Entries Templates

Keeping a diary is a powerful tool for self-reflection, emotional expression, and capturing the moments that shape our lives. It can serve as a personal archive, helping us to remember experiences, understand our thoughts, and recognize our growth over time. A Diary Entries template in Notion can streamline this process, providing structure and consistency to our entries, making it easier to maintain this beneficial habit.

Before you dive into creating your own Diary Entries, take a look at these Notion templates to simplify the process and enhance your journaling experience.

What Should Diary Entries Templates Include?

Choosing the right diary template in Notion can transform your journaling experience, making it both enriching and efficient. Here are key components to look for in a good diary entries template:

  1. Date and Time Fields: Essential for organizing entries chronologically and tracking your thoughts over time.

  2. Mood Tracker: A feature that allows you to record your mood each day, helping you notice patterns in your emotional well-being.

  3. Tags or Categories: These help in sorting entries by themes or topics, making it easier to retrieve related notes in the future.

  4. Reflection Prompts: Prompts can guide your writing and encourage deeper introspection, which is valuable for personal growth.

With these components, a diary template not only serves as a repository of days but also as a tool for self-discovery and personal development.

What Should Diary Entries Templates Avoid?

Choosing the right diary template in Notion can greatly enhance your journaling experience. However, there are certain features you should steer clear of when selecting a template.

  1. Overly Complex Layouts: Avoid templates with too many sections or complex formatting. They can make daily entries cumbersome and detract from the main purpose of a diary.

  2. Fixed Time Stamps: Templates that predefine time slots or are too rigid in their chronological structure can limit flexibility in how and when you want to record your thoughts.

  3. Excessive Automation: While some automation can be helpful, too much can make the diary feel impersonal and mechanical. Opt for templates that allow more personal input.

Ultimately, the best diary template is one that feels intuitive and easy to use, encouraging regular reflection without feeling like a chore.


Document your life - daily happenings, special occasions, and reflections on your goals. Categorize entries with tags and automatically capture the date.

A template preview for Journal

2Daily journal

Build your self-awareness and personal growth with this “Daily journal” template in Notion. With the help of Notion’s button feature, you can create a new journal entry with a click of a button. Use this template to organize your thoughts and streamline your journalling.

A template preview for Daily journal

3Daily Journal

Log your thoughts and memories, allowing you to reflect on your past experiences and cherished moments.

A template preview for Daily Journal

4Daily Journal

A daily journal to write about your day, track your mood, and more.

A template preview for Daily Journal

5Morning Pages & Memories Gallery

The template you need to start a writing habit

Whether you're going through the full 12-week plan from The Artist's Way, need a space to write a quick 5-minute gratitude journal, or want to start a habit of daily writing, this is the template you need.

This template includes:

* A button to write your new entries quickly without overthinking anything
* Two quick prompts to record an intention for the day, and your favourite thing of the day
* Two simple questions in the writing space to eliminate writer's block.
* A space to add a photo from your day
* A gallery view so you can look back at your memories. Over time it gets filled with all the photos you've added.

A template preview for Morning Pages & Memories Gallery


We tend to be lazy to keep our journals well-organized and quit before we know it. However, if you can organize your journals well, you'll keep motivated. Trying to make things organized is a key to keeping dedicated. Hope this template helps you with your daily journals.

A template preview for Journal

7Personal Diary

A good looking personal diary. This template embeds some useful widgets like time and weather, and helps recording how many days in a year does the user write a diary.

A template preview for Personal Diary

8My Diary

If you're anything like me, you've probably tried (and failed) finding a good diary app that doesn't have most of its features hidden behind a paywall. Well, those days are gone as this diary has all the features you need to have it as your diary for life! There are 5 views in this template: Day, Moods, Activities, Gallery and Calendar. I've also included a few templates with journaling prompts for you, you'll find them inside each new entry.

A template preview for My Diary

9A Memorable Diary

You can view "Today in the Past" without searching every day; simply open the page to reminisce instantly.
Daily Automatic Generation: The template generates a diary entry for the current day automatically; just click and start writing.
User-friendly and easy to operate. Start recording your everyday moments now!

A template preview for A Memorable Diary

10Dear Spreadsheet Diary

The advantage of a spreadsheet diary is the ease of having a comprehensive record of the events in your life and conducting quick searches for similar situations or emotions due to the categorization by themes and emotions, which were derived from the Wheel of Emotions (Robert Plutchik).

It can be useful for therapeutic purposes, self-awareness, and gaining a better understanding of various types of emotions.

A template preview for Dear Spreadsheet Diary

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates streamlines the process of journaling, making it easier to maintain consistency. They help in organizing thoughts and tracking personal growth over time.

By adopting these templates, you can save time and enhance your reflective practices. Start today to experience the benefits of structured diary entries.

What is a Reflective Entry?

A reflective entry in a diary involves the writer engaging in deep thought about personal experiences, often analyzing and learning from them.

What is a Gratitude Log?

A gratitude log is a specific type of diary entry where individuals list things they are thankful for, aiming to enhance positivity and well-being.

What is a Mood Tracker?

A mood tracker is a tool used within diary entries to record and analyze the user's emotional state over a period, helping in emotional management and awareness.

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