Create a Notion website that you truly own! Build your brand with an aesthetic design, set up analytics, optimize for search engines, and so much more.

Link a Notion Custom Domain with Super

<aside> 💡 TL;DR Here’s how to add a custom domain to your Notion site:

  1. Purchase a domain name and extension that aligns with your niche and supports your brand.

  2. Sign up with Super and access its dashboard.

  3. Update CNAME with your DNS provider and add a TXT record to specify that the chosen domain name is associated with Super.

  4. Go to the ‘Domains’ view in your Super dashboard and click the ‘Add a custom domain’ button.

  5. Enter your domain name and click on continue.

  6. Once your records are verified with your DNS provider, your Notion site would be available on custom domain with Super.


With its wide range of features and flexibility, Notion has become a trusted content management tool for businesses and individuals alike. It supports creating single page sites like resumes and portfolios, as well as full-fledged business sites and large-scale blogs.

However, you need to connect your Notion to a custom domain to truly own your content, allowing you to build a functional Notion site and a trustworthy brand. By doing so, you gain the ability to track your Notion site's performance and introduce cool design elements using custom code.

Here are the four steps to set up and use a custom domain in Notion:

1. Purchase a domain name

The domain name is the identity of your site - it’s a fundamental branding factor. It’s what people type into Google to find the site, so pick a domain name that represents your brand the best. It must ideally align with your site's niche and reflect the services you offer. If your chosen name is shorter than 15 characters, consider including an important search keyword for SEO purposes.

How to choose a domain name for your Notion site

Once you have finalized your domain name, you can purchase it from popular domain registrars but if you use Super, you can purchase it right from your Super app! We let you know in real time if the domain name you typed in is available or not. But for that, you first need to create a Super account - we will cover that in the next section.

<aside> 💡 Buying a domain name in Super

Click on “Domain” in the left-pane of your Super app, type the domain name, select from the list that Super populates, and buy the extension that is available. Yes, it’s that simple!

buying custom domain for Notion


2. Sign up with Super

By now, you might have already created high-quality content in Notion and also purchased a custom domain name. Let’s create a website by putting them both together with Super.

Start by creating a free account with Super. Go to Super App and enter a user ID and password, or use your Google or Apple account to signup with Super - won’t take more than a minute.

You’ll access the Super dashboard after signing up.


Super’s intuitive, user-friendly interface allows you to easily set up custom navigation bars with a CTA button and footers along with all essential elements that enhance usability and boost your brand's credibility.

Super allows you to optimize your content's meta details, improving SEO and driving organic traffic to your site.

To increase your conversion rates, Super also facilitates the creation of Notion CTA buttons. This means you can guide your visitors to take desired actions directly, whether it's signing up for a newsletter, purchasing a product, or booking a consultation.

While you can connect a custom domain to your Notion site even without Super, you miss out on extensive site customization options that Super offers.