Course Assets

πŸ‘‹ Welcome to the course assets for the first week of Intro to User Interface Design, which includes knowledge testers, quick links to exercises, projects and homework, as well as resource links to videos, articles and books, some of which are noted in the lessons, to deepen your learning!

Test Yourself!

<aside> πŸ“Œ Here it is! Just a very small quick-fire quiz to test your knowledge this week. No peeking at the answers below, and don’t worry if you get any wrong!

Click the toggle to reveal the answer.


Exercise, Project & Homework

We can't wait to see what you create πŸ˜„



The History of the Alto by the Computer History Museum

Web 101: A History of the GUI by WIRED

You Know What? F*ck Dropdowns!

Laws of UX (Using Psychology to Design Better Products & Services) by Jon Yablonski

Laws of UX website

10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design β€” Nielsen Normal Group

Intro to UI: Design Elements and Principles

Intro to UI: Examples of UI Patterns (Both Interesting & Annoying)

Designing in Figma Book by Eugene Fedorenko

Styles in Figma β€” a blog post by Figma Design

Figma Tutorial by Figma Design: Creating Styles

Components, Styles and Shared Library Best Practices β€” a blog post by Figma Design (reviews the slash-naming convention!)

8px Baseline Grid

Design Systems: Space, Grids and Layouts by Elliot Dahl

Medium: The Comprehensive 8pt Grid Guide by Vitsky

UX Design: How to Create Stronger Layouts with the 8pt Grid System

Colors in Web Design

The Psychology of Color in Web Design

5 Color Choices You Absolutely Must Avoid When Designing for the Web

How to Get Help

Have a course question?

If you have a course-related question or bug, post it in the Q&A below each video. Our team will respond (and you'll receive an email notification) ASAP during office hours. We'll follow-up if we need more info from you.

We're also available via email and via chat if you want to ask anything privately, though we encourage asking publicly whenever possible!

A polite note: email and chat messages go to the same mailbox, so you won't receive a faster reply if you ask multiple times. Just once is great!

Need help on a project?

If you have a non-course question or are looking for feedback on a project, feel free to post in the Slack channel #help-intro-to-ui, where both SuperHi staff and our student community are hanging out. Everyone helps each other out here!

We also have the more general #help channel, for non-course chat, feedback and questions.

SuperHi is a small (but mighty!) team so please don't DM staff – keeping your question public helps us, as a team, follow-through as quickly and as efficiently as possible. πŸ’™