Problem Statement (Abstract)

We finally have several features that make swapping, holding, supplying, and staking your FOX appealing. Theoretically, the demand for the FOX token should be nonzero, a page explaining it filled with callouts should help discovery.

Alongside updating the fees on trade modals from SCP-153, this also gives us the opportunity to reuse some older code, display yield opportunities, and have a single page to explain “what can I do with FOX?” We’re also finishing the fox farm migration problem by using an evergreen staking paradigm.

Why are we solving it? How does it help Shapeshift users or DAO?

FOX needs a homepage in the app that hypes it up a bit. It helps users by sourcing all the opportunities in one place. It helps the DAO by getting more fresh holders involved in governance, and it also leads to more people using the programs we launched.


  1. Display fees intuitively usuing the same code on the trade preview modal
    1. Spike in usuing the complicated fee modal Display that emphasizes the value of holding FOX for users and looks fancy
  2. Allow users to migrate their FOX staking positions by triggering modal flows on the page
  3. Include a CTA for governance (if snapshot behaves) and a join us in the forums link.
  4. Build more connections with coinbase so it’s easier to send FOX on multiple chains to and from the Baldilocks zone.


  1. we can’t really control supply and demand but we can inform people to make their own choices and make it intuiitive to do whatever you prefer as a user.

How are we solving it?

New route for /FOX

Incorporate the sliders from the fee modal for simulating savings

Incorporate the math from the rFOX pool for simulating how much of the pool you own with a FOX stake

Populate all the routes to buy fox and track them in mixpanel.

Pull in the evergreen farming opportunity

What are the risks and how will we mitigate them?