Welcome to ULTIMATE Cart Drawer's help center! We're here to answer your questions. If you can't find what you're looking for, Email our support team at info@sellifyapps.com

<aside> 🔥 Since Shopify has banned our apps from the app store, we request you to set it up using the alternate method. You can find more details about it here: https://www.notion.so/sellify/ULTIMATE-Cart-Drawer-7d2a10de210742f38730fbae5785f5cd


Table of Contents


How do I preview the cart drawer before making it live for public?

Cart link sometimes redirect to cart page instead of opening the drawer

Theme's default drawer/popup is showing instead of ULTIMATE Cart Drawer

How do I hide certain products from being suggested in Upsells/Automatic Recommendations?

How can I disable cart drawer on some pages?

What to test on my store to make sure ULTIMATE Cart Drawer is working as it should?

Cart Items Count or Total Price in header are not updating realtime and updates only after a page refresh

How do I get a refund?

Where can I find analytics for Upsells/Automatic product recommendations?

Developer Reference Guide