Updated website: estherconfused.me


Growing up in Taiwan, people tell me I ask too many "why."

About Me

I am a strategy addict who is in love with AI, engineering machine learning, analytics, learning techniques, human behaviors, and causal inference.

National Taiwan University: International Business

Minerva : Computer Science

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<aside> 🎯 Strategies are my brain and computational skills are my hands to optimize human decision-making.


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Other Projects & Learning

🌝 Personal Interests — Live to the funniest

Q: How can we stay healthy and connected with friends during quarantine?

A: Play Karate together and have a virtual fight!

[If you cannot see the video, click the link here](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/d36782ac-b1a4-4089-9a9f-29b72ce6f5bf/Tianhui_idiot.mp4)

If you cannot see the video, click the link here

Q: How can we create our private space in our crowded dorm?

A: Let's build a geodesic dome on a friend's birthday!

Q: How can I get a free chair so my friends can have a seat when they come to our room?