0, "a." + format(length(replaceAll(prop("Children (z)"), "[^,]", "")) + 1) + " " + replaceAll(prop("Tag(s) (x)"), "[a-z.]", ""), if(not contains(prop("Tag(s) (x)"), ".") and empty(prop("Children (z)")), "b.0 " + prop("Tag(s) (x)"), if(not contains(prop("Tag(s) (x)"), ".") and length(prop("Children (z)")) > 0, "b." + format(length(replaceAll(prop("Children (z)"), "[^,]", "")) + 1) + " " + prop("Tag(s) (x)"), "")))))
🎱Number of Relations:
length(replaceAll(prop("Children (z)"), "[^,]", "")) + 1">
0, "a." + format(length(replaceAll(prop("Children (z)"), "[^,]", "")) + 1) + " " + replaceAll(prop("Tag(s) (x)"), "[a-z.]", ""), if(not contains(prop("Tag(s) (x)"), ".") and empty(prop("Children (z)")), "b.0 " + prop("Tag(s) (x)"), if(not contains(prop("Tag(s) (x)"), ".") and length(prop("Children (z)")) > 0, "b." + format(length(replaceAll(prop("Children (z)"), "[^,]", "")) + 1) + " " + prop("Tag(s) (x)"), "")))))
🎱Number of Relations:
length(replaceAll(prop("Children (z)"), "[^,]", "")) + 1">
0, "a." + format(length(replaceAll(prop("Children (z)"), "[^,]", "")) + 1) + " " + replaceAll(prop("Tag(s) (x)"), "[a-z.]", ""), if(not contains(prop("Tag(s) (x)"), ".") and empty(prop("Children (z)")), "b.0 " + prop("Tag(s) (x)"), if(not contains(prop("Tag(s) (x)"), ".") and length(prop("Children (z)")) > 0, "b." + format(length(replaceAll(prop("Children (z)"), "[^,]", "")) + 1) + " " + prop("Tag(s) (x)"), "")))))
🎱Number of Relations:
length(replaceAll(prop("Children (z)"), "[^,]", "")) + 1">