$$ \text {HELLO WORLD!} $$
$$ \color{red}\text{HELLO WORLD!} $$
$$ \color{blue}\text{HELLO WORLD!} $$
$$ \color{green}\text{HELLO WORLD!} $$
$$ \color{purple}\text{HELLO WORLD!} $$
\\text {HELLO WORLD!}
\\color{red} \\text {HELLO WORLD!}
$$ \text{a) Step 1} \\ \text{b) Step 2} \\ \text{c) Step 3} $$
\\text{a) Step 1} \\\\ \\text{b) Step 2} \\\\ \\text{c) Step 3}
$$ \text {Duis posuere mi nec urna sollicitudin fringilla.} \\ \text {Nam convallis ipsum libero, id suscipit ipsum molestie sed.} \\ \text {Phasellus ut felis nec neque efficitur laoreet.} $$
\\text {Duis posuere mi nec urna sollicitudin fringilla.} \\\\ \\text {Nam convallis ipsum libero, id suscipit ipsum molestie sed.} \\\\ \\text {Phasellus ut felis nec neque efficitur laoreet.}
\begin{aligned} \text{Subject, Teacher} || \text {March 24th 2020}\\ \text{Title of document} || \text{Due: April 1st}\end{aligned}
\\begin{aligned} \\text{Subject, Teacher} || \\text {March 24th 2020}\\\\ \\text{Title of document} || \\text{Due: April 1st}\\end{aligned}
$$ \begin{array}{ccc} Heading~1 & Heading~2 & Heading~3 \\ \hline Data~A1 & Data~A2 & Data~A3\\ Data~B1 & Data~B2 & Data~B3 \\ Data~C1 & Data~C2 & Data~C3 \\ \end{array} $$
\\begin{array}{ccc} Heading~1 & Heading~2 & Heading~3 \\\\ \\hline Data~A1 & Data~A2 & Data~A3\\\\ Data~B1 & Data~B2 & Data~B3 \\\\ Data~C1 & Data~C2 & Data~C3 \\\\ \\end{array}