Google Trips was launched in September 2016 as a trip planner mobile app for Android and iOS devices. It allowed users to plan upcoming trips by summarizing the user’s destination in several categories such as day plans, reservations and things to do. It had complete day guides to more than 200 major cities. It also facilitated locating flight, hotel, car and restaurant reservations for the trip based on emails from the user’s Gmail.

This is a product management document for a “what if” we wanted to resurrect that app and be suitable for our needs today.


I will be using the Lean Product Playbook framework in this study. The Lean Product Playbook is a framework for product development and growth that consists of three stages: Market, Product, and Product-Market Fit. Each stage consists of a set of steps that guide the product team through the process of developing and refining the product. The steps in each stage are designed to help the team validate that the product is solving the problem for the target customer and grow the customer base and revenue.

Component Steps
Market 1. Determine target customer.
  1. Identify underserved customer needs. | | Product | 1. Define value proposition.
  2. Specify MVP feature set.
  3. Create MVP prototype. | | Product-Market fit | 1. Test MVP with customers.
  4. Iterate or pivot to improve product-market fit. |


Determine Target Customer

Identify Underserved Customer Needs


Define Value Proposition

Specify MVP Feature Set

Create MVP Prototype


Test MVP With Customers

Iterate Or Pivot To Improve Product-Market Fit