Here are some simple guidelines which we can follow as a team to improve our code quality, developer experience and team collaboration
Component vs. Utility Functions/Custom Hooks
Vs interface
~ TypeScript
Network calls with React Query - Coming Soon
Below are the guidelines which were created on the older project structure. Please do follow these to understand the older(or going to be older soon😉) codebase.
Very similar to
Import Order (
Each of these should follow sortImports so among them they are sorted, all bulleted points need to have a new line in between
// React + Web3 Essentials
react, react-ga, ethers, web3-react
// External Packages
all external modules
// Internal Compoonents
all internal components
// Internal Configs
config files, project packages
// Interfaces
all interfaces, exported or internal ones, have to be denoted with **I**
// Internal Configs
all constants
eslinted to ensure imports are ogranized
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.sortImports": true