Best 10 Kanban Templates for Full-Stack Developers

Kanban offers a visual approach to managing tasks and projects, crucial for full-stack developers juggling different aspects of software development, from backend to frontend tasks. A Kanban template on Notion can simplify this process, enabling developers to track their progress, prioritize work, and maintain a clear overview of their projects with ease. Before you embark on crafting your unique Kanban layout, explore these ready-made Kanban templates for an easier start.

What Should Kanban Templates Include?

Choosing the right Kanban template can streamline your project management and enhance productivity. Here are key components to look for when selecting a Kanban template for full-stack development:

  1. Customizable Columns: Ensure the template allows you to modify and add columns. This flexibility helps adapt the board to specific project needs or workflows.

  2. Integration Capabilities: A good template should integrate seamlessly with other tools used by developers, such as GitHub or JIRA, to keep all project aspects in sync.

  3. Automated Workflows: Look for templates that support automation for repetitive tasks, such as moving tasks between columns based on status changes, to save time and reduce errors.

  4. Visual Enhancements: Features like color coding, tags, and icons can help quickly identify task types, priorities, or the development stage, making the board easier to navigate.

Selecting a Kanban template with these components can significantly impact your team's efficiency and project clarity, ensuring smoother progress through development cycles.

What Should Kanban Templates Avoid?

Choosing the right Kanban template is crucial for streamlining your workflow without clutter or confusion. Here are a few components to steer clear of when selecting your ideal Kanban Notion template:

  1. Overly Complex Columns: Avoid templates with too many columns, which can complicate the workflow and make it harder to track progress effectively.

  2. Non-customizable Fields: Templates that do not allow customization can restrict your ability to tailor the board to your project's specific needs.

  3. Excessive Automation: While some automation can be helpful, too much can lead to confusion and errors if the automation logic does not align perfectly with your processes.

Remember, the best Kanban template is one that enhances productivity without adding unnecessary complexity or rigidity to your project management approach.

1Projetos & Tarefas

Acompanhe projetos de qualquer tamanho ou formato, e para qualquer tipo de equipe. Visualize projetos em um cronograma, em quadros ou calendários - o que funcionar melhor pra você. Escreva documentos de planejamento, vincule designs e organize anotações de reunião no mesmo lugar.

Uma prévia do modelo para Projetos & Tarefas

2Quadro Kanban

Os quadros Kanban são ideais para organizar grandes projetos com muitos componentes. Este modelo fornece uma visão completa do progresso de todos os projetos, tarefas e membros da equipe, permitindo que você acompanhe facilmente todo o seu trabalho e mantenha todos informados.

Uma prévia do modelo para Quadro Kanban

3Task Manager

Assisting you in your journey when it comes to your tasks and projects, where you can monitor and track your progress easily and effortlessly, providing a centralized hub for productivity. Stay on top of deadlines, set priorities with ease, and achieve optimal project management efficiency.

Elevating yet simplifying your workflow, helping you to embrace organization, and stay in control!

Uma prévia do modelo para Task Manager

4Rastreador de problemas

Acompanhe projetos de desenvolvimento de qualquer formato ou tamanho com este modelo. Para as equipes que usam o método Agile, é possível dividir cada projeto em tarefas, priorizar o backlog e, em seguida, organizar as tarefas em sprints. Filtre por status, prioridade e equipe para visualizar o trabalho da maneira que desejar. Além disso, conecte suas outras ferramentas essenciais, como Github, Figma, Slack e outras, para realmente manter todo o seu trabalho em um só lugar.

Uma prévia do modelo para Rastreador de problemas

5Agile Project Management

Agile project management was born in 2000, and has been powering and guiding engineering, product, and more teams ever since. Agile management focuses on splitting project into incremental iterations or sections. This template allows you to view projects, that are divided into smaller tasks, and that correspond to sprints that you can visualize beautifully in a sprint timeline. Embrace agile to increase productivity, start with this template.

Uma prévia do modelo para Agile Project Management

6Notion’s tasks

Use this tasks database to capture your engineering and product teams’ day-to-day work. At Notion, we organize all our work by projects and tasks, then link each task to its relevant project and team. That way, you can filter tasks by a specific project.

This template is part of a larger — read more about how we use it in .

Uma prévia do modelo para Notion’s tasks

7Kit para desenvolvedores de software

Este modelo fornece tudo o que seu desenvolvimento de produtos precisa. Um quadro de planejamento para gerentes de produtos organizarem seu backlog, escreverem especificações do produto e priorizarem o trabalho. Quadros Kanban e de Sprint são fornecidos para as tarefas da equipe de engenharia e da equipe de design, incluindo especificações técnicas e de design. As tarefas se vinculam ao quadro de planejamento, ao Github e ao Figma.

Uma prévia do modelo para Kit para desenvolvedores de software

8Planejamento de projeto da Anthropic

O modelo de Planejamento de Projeto da Anthropic combina visões gerais de projetos e tarefas detalhadas em um formato duplo e conciso de base de dados. Simplifique seu fluxo de trabalho, garantindo que cada objetivo esteja alinhado com etapas acionáveis. Ideal para o acompanhamento eficiente e gerenciamento de projetos, este modelo é imprescindível para equipes e indivíduos organizados e orientados para metas.

Uma prévia do modelo para Planejamento de projeto da Anthropic

9MYP Design Cycle Project Tracking (Kanban Style)

Use with your students to track their progress on their MYP Design Projects. They can customize the cards for their needs. You can edit it as projects call for it.

Uma prévia do modelo para MYP Design Cycle Project Tracking (Kanban Style)

10Project Hub

This template works both for individuals and teams!

It benefits them with CRM functionality to define project vision, write non/functional documentation, collect ideas, build a project knowledge base, manage/plan their project, and much more!

Uma prévia do modelo para Project Hub

Closing Thoughts

Implementing these Kanban templates can streamline your development process, ensuring tasks are clearly prioritized and deadlines are met efficiently. Their structured layout aids in maintaining focus and productivity.

Adopting these templates allows for better team collaboration and resource management. Start integrating them into your workflow today to experience enhanced project visibility and improved output quality.

What is Work In Progress (WIP) Limit?

WIP Limit refers to the maximum number of tasks that can be in a single stage of the workflow at any given time, helping to prevent bottlenecks.

What is a Swimlane?

Swimlanes are horizontal categorizations in a Kanban board that help separate different types of tasks or priorities within the same workflow.

What is a Kanban Card?

A Kanban Card represents an individual task or work item, providing details such as description, deadline, and responsible person, visually moving across the Kanban board.

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