PS26 Jesse Owens October PTA meeting
Tuesday December 19th, 2023 @ 5pm on Zoom
Minutes prepared by Sam Posner
11 members in attendance
Welcome & Updates
- PTA President Sam Posner welcome’s everyone to the meeting and calls to order.
- Michelle Choi motions to accept November Meeting minutes and Doris Jean seconds
- Michelle Choi presents the Treasurer’s Report for November 2023
- After a general vote in November for our PTA to pursue non-profit / 501c3 status, completed and submitted the application to the IRS.
- Our PTA can begin 2024 operating as a non-profit while waiting for approval of the application.
- Class Parents Update. 7 out of the 8 grades at the school now have class parents. (all except for 4th grade)
- Join codes for grade-wide WhatsApp Groups found here.
- Auditorium decoration
- PTA members will help to decorate the auditorium for the upcoming school Winter Wonderland Assembly
- Winter Wonderland Bake Sale Signup
- ~ 10 people have signed up to bring baked goods to Thursday’s bake sale during the assembly.
- Chris Harth suggests selling spiced hot apple cider and will bring a hot plate to warm up.
- Loaf slices of sweet breads can be sold if individually wrapped.
- Principal’s Address
- Principal Funtleyder was not able to attend the meeting and did not address the membership.
PTA Bylaws Renewal
- PTA Bylaws are meant to be reviewed and adopted every 3 years. We have used a DOE template to draft Updated bylaws and will vote to adopt them in the meeting.
- The PTA executive board has carried over most elective elements of the bylaws from the most recent copy, including 3 year term limit and $10 suggested annual membership dues
- Discussion
- In regards to the bylaw around special meetings, Ms. Moore suggests that we include that one member of school administration must be present for any such meetings.
- PTA President notes that our bylaws can always be amended if necessary, or if we realize something needs updating.
- Vote to approve
- The membership votes to approve the update bylaws. 8 in favor, 0 opposed, 3 abstain.
2024 Planning
- Penny Drive
- Co-treasurer Michelle Choi gives an overview of how a penny drive fundraiser is structured. Classes compete to see who can raise the most money. Collection jars set up for each class (or grade.) Pennies and dollars added to each jar are positive points, and silver coins are negative.
- The membership discuss where to place the collection jars. A central location seems best to allow the most involvement. Behind safety agent desk? In the front office? Chris Harth offers to create non-movable jars for each class.
- Decision to discuss the logistics with administration and kick off a month-long drive as soon as possible in the new year.
- Pizza & Game Night will be held on Tuesday, January 30th as part of our alternating month in-person community engagements.
- Sam Posner present the 2024 Draft Schedule and highlights some bigger events we are planning for the the winter/ spring
- Ms. Moore asks if we plan to do a Mother’s Day plant sale. She suggests that she could have students plant herbs as part of science curriculum, and pot the sprouts for a sale in the spring.
Coming up:
- Winter Wonderland Assembly - 12.21
- Winter Break 12.25 - 1.1
- Jan 16th PTA meeting [Tues, Dec 19th @5pm]