
Choose the Non-Apocalypse

This project is my response to the current apocalyptic zeitgeist in the media and the world. In the contemporary discourse, there is only the end of the world. The Rapture, the Revolution, the Climate Apocalypse, the Singularity, Shit Hitting the Fan, the Storm. The common theme of all these beliefs is that they say nothing about the future. It is a blank, an unknown, an unknowable. The problem with this is that without a future to work towards, we have no way to organize ourselves. We are left wandering aimlessly at best and in despair at worst.

Change the Arc of the Story

The goal of this project is to help you see the positive future we can strive for and to guide you to a project to help us get there. There are four steps on this journey.

  1. **A Future of Your Own:** See the possibilities of the good future and find a part you want to work towards. Get inspiration from all the projects already in motion toward the good future.
  2. Face the Wicked Problem: Understand the challenges ahead at the level necessary to know where to act but not get bogged down.
  3. **Find Your Small Solution:** Join a project that appeals to you, that works with your life. We need to work at all scales from inside your home to states and nations. Every piece, no matter where it takes place is important and necessary.
  4. **Build the World:** Bring your small solution to fruition and contribute your piece to the good future. Your part will become part of the inspiration for the next people who come to Find the Future.

The Good Future

The first step to a good future is imagining it. This is a collaborative world building exercise. We are not creating an imaginary world. We are envisioning a future we can get to. Not a utopia, but a realistopia. A real place. One where we are solving the challenges that face us and our lives are better than they are today. This future is anchored in and inspired by the systems and technologies people are building today.

A Future of Your Own

Finding the Future is project in process

Note: this project is from an American perspective. Please adapt to your local situation

Cover and Images by Paul Brennan