API/behavior changes

Describe routes and behavior changes

settings route

The settings route supports a new setting, localizedAttributes allowing the assignment of a list of locals to one or several attributes matching patterns:

locales : A list of language codes to assign to a pattern, the supported code is:

epo, eng, rus, cmn, spa, por, ita, ben, fra, deu, ukr, kat, ara, hin, jpn, heb, yid, pol, amh, jav, kor, nob, dan, swe, fin, tur, nld, hun, ces, ell, bul, bel, mar, kan, ron, slv, hrv, srp, mkd, lit, lav, est, tam, vie, urd, tha, guj, uzb, pan, aze, ind, tel, pes, mal, ori, mya, nep, sin, khm, tuk, aka, zul, sna, afr, lat, slk, cat, tgl, hye

attributePatterns : A pattern that can start or end by a * to match one or several attributes.


search route

The search route accepts a new parameter, locales allowing the end-user to define the language used in the current query:
