25 years, iOS Engineer - 7 years experience
Languages: Russian (Native), English (B1 - B2)
Bachelor: Software and administration of information systems, Development and administration of information systems (Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg)
Current location: Tbilisi
LinkedIn, GitHub
🚀 Companies and Projects
Plata 2022 - Now
- Creating of the Payment module from scratch
- Full SwiftUI interface
Evil Martians 2021 - 2022 (October)
**Juniver App -** 2022 (June - September)
- Presale and building the development plan
- Creating an iOS application from scratch
- Communication with the foreign client
- Maintaining the development process
- Researching and implementation of ML features (CoreML, CreateML)
- Articles:
- Frameworks: VFont