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I’m from 🇵🇹 and lived in 🇪🇸🇯🇴🇵🇭

I’m moving to my 5th 🏝 soon

I’m 🌱 vegan and love tofu

I’m a 🎒 digital nomad & and I 👩🏽‍💻 code too

🚀 Learn how I can help you

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🗂 Explore the projects I worked on

💜 Read how I’m making an impact

💳 See how we can work together

🌍 Take a sneak peek at my international experience

How I can help YOU grow

Icon Web Developer.svg

Building cool websites

I specialize in creating websites without code in a fraction of the time and cost. Whether it's a SaaS or a portfolio, count me in to be designers' favorite developer.*

Icon Project Manager.svg

Delivering successful projects

I'll combine organization and outstanding communication to align your teams and achieve every project's goals.