September 12, 2024

September 9, 2024

ReponseBuild cleanup?

September 5, 2024


Third-party modules

continue on this part, the most reason why llamaindex not working in some bundler like next.js edge runtime is mostly because we include too many thrid party modules on top level and mostly user just want one of them, So me personally want to move all thrid-party module code into different parts, but I remembered that Yi said he want to put everything on top.

About breaking change

agree with @Marcus Schiesser that we shouldn’t bring to much breaking change. So I will keep this step by step.

  1. move PromptMixin into core module and give full test coverage.
  2. move global settings into core modules
  3. add callback manager decorator for those class that need event



Type example:

September 4, 2024