<aside> 🪴 For all roles, we're looking for curious, empathetic, user-oriented teammates who want to build a truly great product.
<aside> 👉 We are currently not hiring for new positions
<aside> 👉 We are currently not hiring for new positions
<aside> ✨ About us & the Culture
Dive evolved with a very interesting journey. During the pandemic, a lot of us felt isolated and bored of staying at home. We tried solving this problem, with a (virtual) social space to host team-building activities. Our customers loved us for that, but we kept feeling that there was a bigger problem out there. When we dug deeper, we found that there was one problem yet to be solved.
They were Meetings. 📆 Meetings were the problem! Meetings today are boring. They’re considered a massive waste of time. They don't move the projects forward.
When we started asking people what their biggest pain points were, we heard the same thing over and over: there are too many useless meetings. Whether they were boring, rambling, or ran over, virtual meetings often left people feeling less productive and uninspired.
That’s why we’ve built Dive: to help teams take back control and plan for success on their terms. We’re committed to creating spaces where people can show up as themselves to participate in productive, positive conversations. We want every person to leave a meeting feeling energised, not drained.