




I am currently using both GCP and AWS for a certain project. While each cloud providers provides very nice tool and visualizations for their own spending (Cloud billing for GCP and Cost&Usage report for AWS respectively), I wanted to consolidate both cloud providers usage report and visualize using single BI tool. The report does not need to be realtime, I only need daily granularity on my report. (No streaming)

So I had to spin up something and these were couple options

I am a big fan of BigQuery and I prefer to to ELT rather than ETL on BQ. Moreover, I was already using BigQuery for the project with, I chose to house usage and cost data to bigquery.

Move data to BQ

GCP Cloud Billing


This is easy, cloud billing natively support bigquery export.

Once everything is set, you will be able to see your screen like this.

When you first enable the daily cost detail export to BigQuery, it might take a few hours to start seeing your Google Cloud cost data. Table with gcp_billing_export_v1_<some_hash> will be generated. Table will be automatically partitioned by day. (you can query partitioned data to save cost)
