I am happy I am not who I was when 2023 started. I am unsettled that I am not yet who I want to be.
That is the constant tug-of-war I find myself in. I am grateful for my evolution and saddened by the gap in who I am and who I know I can be.
Because I lean more toward the side of sadness, I have frameworks to help me realize my growth and be proud of it. One of those frameworks is writing down three wins at the end of the day and understanding the lessons from the losses. In this essay, I want to share three lessons I learned, my one word for 2024, and three "wins" for each month.
Will I do this every year? Maybe.
Here's to the first ever (written) reflection on my year. I hope you gain something from this reflection.
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When I joined O’Connor Connective in January, I thought it would only take a few weeks to get my feet under me. Even though Bridget (the President) kept reminding me that it usually takes 6-12 months to get settled, I thought I was better than that.
I’m not. lol
It’s been a year, and I’m finally feeling “at home.” I have never worked in an agency/consultancy setting. I was used to having only one client, but now I have many. That was an arduous adjustment process (I’m still adjusting).
Another area where my impatience took over was my online presence.
Instead of sticking to and executing a plan, I was defeated because I wasn’t growing as I thought I should. I’m still not “growing.” Rather than get frustrated, I find joy in continuing to show up.
I began my newsletter in June and have kept it going daily since.
While it’s not what I want it to be, it’s exactly what I need to continue writing. I have developed a few unfinished guides from all the writing. While I haven’t grown in audience size, I’ve grown immensely as a person, marketer, and writer.
Great things take time.