<aside> 💡 This is documentation for the Let's Watch It Together RUP Project.
It is created by the implementators and focuses on things important for other implementators, integrators, sys admins, maintainers, testers and of course future maintainers.
The below are not maintained so not up-to-date. See the GitHub issue tracker and the for up-to-date information. It was a cool idea but it's too much work to maintain. Should be updated on major releases though.
<aside> 💡 HTML pages that need to be available for the user to access.
Requires page reload.
<aside> 💡 API endpoints that need to be available from the user's browser.
This is dynamic behavior that doesn't require page reload.
<aside> 💡 User Facing vs Backend functionality separation and triaging.
<aside> 💡 Developers' beatiful writing in its full glory.
<aside> 💡 Functionality grouped by "Todo", "In progress" and "Out of scope"
<aside> 💡 Contains information on how the tech stack was chosen.