Semi-regular posts of data viz creations. Find the code on Github, follow me on Twitter for updates or check out my website for my portfolio and contact details.



Each day also posted to scroll through below.

Day 83


Proof of concept for creating a radial tree diagram in python using numpy, matplotlib and bezier curves. Data from Information is Beautiful via Makeover Monday.

Disclaimer: Code is not the prettiest, but I made it work :D (Code)

Day 82


Been on a mapping run refining some of my creations to print them as posters. Then got inspired by bauhaus posters and made a tile grid map of europe - each country is coloured by the first letter of their ISO name.

Day 81

Poster created by the app

Poster created by the app

Data Doodle

Data Doodle

Yay, I finally turned my data doodle into an app. So anyone can upload their data and create their own “Strava Wrapped”. The app is made using streamlit, matplotlib, and pyfonts and a few more libraries of course. You can try it out here or check out the full code.

Day 80


I recently moved house, so I didn’t have time to take part in #30DayMapChallenge in November. Now that I’m getting settled, what better way than using maps to explore my new neighbourhood. So here is Day 1 - Points showing council maintained trees in Abbey Wood, London. 🌳 🗺️ Made in #python #matplotlib. Basemap data from #OpenStreetMap via #OSMnx (finally updated to v2.0). Tree data for London is available in the London Datastore.

Day 79