What is Skritter?

Skritter combines the power of active recall and spaced repetition with unique features for learning to read and write Chinese and Japanese characters. Study from hundreds of pre-made decks and get immediate stroke-level feedback, character breakdowns, Pleco integration, and more. Learn new items in less than a minute, and remember 90% of what you learn with the world's #1 character writing app!

How it Works

Skritter combines the power of active recall and spaced repetition with unique features for learning to read and write Chinese and Japanese characters. You'll get immediate stroke-level feedback and review harder characters more often.

The forgetting curve - This shows how information is forgotten over time. With SRS (and Skritter) we limit the information loss by repeatedly showing you newly learned information. Each new exposure to the new material limits the rate of memory loss. Regular use of Skritter will average between 83-95% memory retention!

The forgetting curve - This shows how information is forgotten over time. With SRS (and Skritter) we limit the information loss by repeatedly showing you newly learned information. Each new exposure to the new material limits the rate of memory loss. Regular use of Skritter will average between 83-95% memory retention!

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The Deal

Last updated: August, 2021