.NET and Web3 Developer
Hi! My name is Igor Dias. Im a Software Developer who is currently in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.
- I Work with Unity, ASP.NET, Solidity, Typescript and Spark AR.
- My passion for producing games comes from the age of 9 with the discovery of RPG Maker XP and the desire to modify the games I liked.
- My career started in 2014 when a friend and I started producing a game called PixelZ out of our passion for 90s and zombie games. Since then I've been making games and softwares.
Email: igordias.dev@gmail.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/igordiassiqueira
github: https://www.github.com/igordias2
Tools and Experience:
- C#
- Unity
- Entity Framework Core
- MongoDB
- Typescript
- NodeJS
- DevOps

Profissional Experience