This is a combined in person and Zoom event. The physical location is Mary-Anne and David's home, "Cosy Grove" in Evatt. Please contact Mary-Anne via Meetup or SMS 0408945360 if you need the address.

The Canberra Community Forum is an opportunity for Humanists Australia members who live in and around Canberra to get to know one another and share ideas. The agenda is roughly:

1: News (from members and from national)

2: Issues (opportunity to discuss any issues anyone is experiencing within the Canberra community or with national)

3: Growth (discuss ideas for growing the Canberra community)

4: Activities (discuss activities that have been held recently, what are coming up, and ideas for new kinds of activities in Canberra and online)

Humanists Australia members and guests who would like to learn more about the Canberra community are all welcome.