On a mission to extend Healthy LifespanLife Expectancy in western countries is around 83, but the undiscussed Healthy Life Expectancy ("living without limitation") remains at just under 64. This means that most seniors live almost 20 years with bad health that limits their dreams, their projects and their playing with their grandchildren.

Traditional health systems are designed to avoid death, not to increase youth. While the rest of mammals live young and die quickly, humans die very slowly. We aim to help millions of seniors reach 95 with good health, ****laughter and personal projects, reducing the risk of dependency, and the tragedy to the senior, their families and society as a whole.

You might think that ageing is mostly “genetic” and “unavoidable”. However 80% is epigenetic (environmental factors and lifestyle), which is good news because that means ****we can all do something proactive about it. What you need is coaching and support to know where you are, where you should be, and what to do to get there. This will help you reach the Range of Excellence for the different ageing biomarkers, at every age.

Rosita is a Longevity Coach for seniors to optimize Healthspan:

Oriented to people 60-80 years old, our initial focus to extend Healthspan is to avoid Frailty. Frailty is the leading indicator for dependency. Over 49% of seniors are Frail of Pre-Frail. But it can be reverted with the right methodologies. Reducing the risk of frailty will literally increase expected healthspan. It is your indelegable responsibility to take care of those diseases that could be prevented. And we are here to support you in that journey.

This is our corporate site. You can visit our consumer site here: rositalongevity.com

Our App is available on Android and iOS - Rosita Longevity.

If you are an insurance company, a public institution or clinic, feel free to reach out and we will love to tell you how we can work together to extend the healthspan of your people.


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Page Last Updated: August 17, 2021

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