The Power of Money and Crypto on Families. Through my stories of scarcity vs abundance mindsets, decentralized basic income, and Web3’s creator economy. (By 🦋 Amy Soon)

ONE Book: Create Wealth in Harmony

BOOK DRAFT v4 - Create Wealth in Harmony_vFINAL


For the ONEs who believe in a better world, happy families and to create wealth in harmony within yourselves and your communities…

This book was written for the Harmony One community in conjunction with launching our “Blue to Fly” campaign with MoneyBoss at ETHDenver 2022.

This book is a work in progress as we continue to refine its content with the community while working towards mainstream publishing. We appreciate your insights and feedback either directly on this notion page (with tracked changes), the attached google doc (with comments), via email at, or via our Blu3 DAO Discord group channel using the QR code below.


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The author and affiliated entities are not licensed financial advisors or certified financial planners. Information in this book and any subsequent promotional materials and related events are for educational purposes only and do not act as recommendation.

Nothing in this book constitutes legal, accounting, or tax advice, or individually tailored investment advice. Always perform your own due diligence and consult with your licensed professional advisors as applicable.

The names, characters, and events throughout most of this book are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Other than the Preface, Epilogue, and Chapters 3 and 8, any similarity to real persons living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Create Wealth in Harmony: The Power of Money and Crypto on Families


This license allows users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. The license allows for commercial use. More information can be found on


My Why

Preface: The Happy Family I Never Had

ONE: The Love of Money / Expanding Family Conflicts

TWO: Money IQ vs EQ vs Crypto Wealth Solutions