<aside> 👐 Maintained ****by @Christian Weichel . Contribute to this page using following our contributor flow.


This page outlines architectural goals for the near future. Considering the ambitious Product Roadmap, we'll have to align closely and try and implement those goals as "side-effects" of that roadmap.

Compared to the product roadmap, this roadmap outlines goals and work that is not immediately user facing, but affects development speed, reliability, TCO and operations.


Technical Debt

In the first quarter/half of 2021 we'll try and catch up on variance and technical debt we've introduced over the last two years. This will position us better for the features that are to come.

Shorter Paths

Pathways in Gitpod have become long. Headless workspace logs (prebuild logs) are a good example: they travel far before reaching the user's browser.

But also operations from within a workspace can be far traveled, e.g. port exposure:

These long pathways make the system

Some of those pathways are there because that was the first solution we came up with (e.g. prebuild logs), others because of prior design principles (e.g. user auth in server). We would do well with shortening those paths; although not at any cost.

Examples and known issues