Pima's Slack integration is available to all customers. Integrating Pima with Slack provides powerful real-time information about what's happening in Pima, sent directly to the Slack channel of your choice!
Currently, Pima's Slack integration supports the following Pima events:
Pima users can install the Pima Slack integration from their account management page.
To install, click Manage Account
in the left sidebar and then click the Integrations
tab at the top of the page. Next, click the Add to Slack
button. You will be directed through the Slack authorization process.
Next, you will need to choose the Slack channel to notify, and click Save. Pima notifications will now be delivered to that channel.
To remove a notification, simply click the Disconnect Slack
If you have questions or need support, please reach out to support@pima.app.