May 23, 2024
This is another minor patch update to the recent Update 3.0 - Shadow Hunter and Update 3.1 - Bug Hunter update that was recently released.
💡 Update 3.2 is available NOW on PSVR2, Steam and Meta Quest 2/3/Pro.
Thanks to everyone for playing through the new patch and giving us a lot of feedback. We’ve been collecting it all and cleaning up a lot, fixing bugs and tweaking balance. This patch should cover most of the issues we’ve had popping up since last patch. We also took a pass on some of the older bug reports and annoying issues and cleaned up a few there too.
Notable Changes:
- Sun Run: Fixed the sun run showing 0% incorrectly and being mostly inaccessible.
- Mountain Biome - Improved Cover: this zone often had no cover to take and made it unfairly difficult depending on random generation, it’s still a difficult zone sometimes but there should be more cover to help in the firefights now
- Hunter Passive - Stacking Damage: the hunter had troubles scaling for higher difficulty enemies, and the passive (was critical hit %) is now a stacking damage for each arrow hit on the same enemy; will help a lot for ammo usage on harder difficulties and bosses
- Enemy Aiming - Cover Peek Accuracy: when peeking from cover or very obstructed, enemies will have a slight aiming penalty now; so you are less likely to get insta-headshot while peeking
- Enemies in Walls: fixed many issues with enemies spawning inside walls, mostly in ashen mountain and necropolis
Steam Event:
Meta Event: