Handpicked Notion Sites templates for your startup

Notion is not only perfect for your startup’s internal operations but also for sharing resources effortlessly with users, collaborators, and stakeholders. This collection features handpicked templates for pitch decks, career pages, briefs, kits, and simple landing pages. Customize and publish your site directly from Notion in less than an hour, making updates and edits a breeze.

1Careers Page

This careers page template is designed to help businesses attract and manage job applicants efficiently. The template features a dynamic jobs board where you can post current openings and detailed job descriptions, making it easy for potential candidates to find the right position.

There’s a section to showcase your company culture and values, helping applicants understand what makes your workplace special. Highlight employee testimonials and benefits to give a comprehensive view of what it’s like to work with you.

Aperçu du modèle de Careers Page

2Pitch Deck Template

Stand out from the crowd and create your pitch deck using Notion. This template structure is based on an analysis of the most successful startup pitch decks, and it helps you build a compelling pitch deck that can get you funded.

Aperçu du modèle de Pitch Deck Template

3Lettre aux investisseurs

Au lieu d’envoyer à vos investisseurs l’e-mail habituel rempli d’informations désorganisées, utilisez ce modèle pour leur fournir un aperçu plus complet et digeste des progrès de votre entreprise.

Aperçu du modèle de Lettre aux investisseurs

4Pitch Deck

Define your company purpose, problem, solution, timing, market potential, competition, team, financials, and vision with this pitch deck template.

Aperçu du modèle de Pitch Deck

5Pitch Deck

This pitch deck template is crafted to help startups present their business plans effectively and attract investors. It includes essential sections like an engaging introduction, problem statement, and your innovative solution, clearly outlining the market opportunity.

There’s a section for your business model, detailing how you plan to generate revenue, and a competitive analysis to highlight your unique advantages. Showcase your team and their expertise to build trust with potential investors.

Additionally, include financial projections to demonstrate growth potential and a call-to-action for next steps.

Aperçu du modèle de Pitch Deck

6Brand Style Guide

A comprehensive branding guide. This template includes your brand's purpose, positioning statement, personality traits, logos, color palette, typography, and tone of voice to create a consistent brand identity, which is crucial for connecting with your target audience.

Aperçu du modèle de Brand Style Guide

7Community’s Portal

🌟 Welcome to our vibrant community hub! Our platform offers an intuitive space where you can seamlessly manage and share resources with your community members. Whether you're organizing engaging events 🎉, disseminating the latest news 📣, or creating detailed member profiles 🧑‍💼, our versatile tools empower you to foster interaction and collaboration effectively. Dive into a dynamic ecosystem tailored to your community's unique needs, enabling fluid communication and seamless knowledge exchange. Let's embark on an exciting journey of connection and growth together! ✨

Aperçu du modèle de Community’s Portal

8Page Web d’événement

Présentez votre conférence de manière efficace avec notre modèle de page Web d’événement Notion. Il est conçu pour faire connaître les détails clefs de l’événement, tels que le lieu, les dates et l’ordre du jour, dans un format accessible et attrayant. Parfait pour susciter l’intérêt des participants et s’assurer qu’ils ont toutes les informations essentielles à portée de main. Ce modèle est un outil essentiel pour une promotion réussie de l’événement.

Aperçu du modèle de Page Web d’événement

9AI Customer Support Hub

Optimize your customer service operations with our AI-powered Customer Support Hub template. This essential tool aids in managing customer inquiries efficiently with AI, centralizing FAQs, and providing quick access to help center resources. Designed to enhance efficiency and improve response times, this hub ensures your support team can deliver exceptional service consistently.

Aperçu du modèle de AI Customer Support Hub

10FAQ du produit

Centralisez les réponses aux questions que vous recevez le plus souvent au service client. Chaque ligne dispose de sa propre page Notion, dans laquelle vous pouvez ajouter le contenu de votre choix.

Aperçu du modèle de FAQ du produit

11Site d’aide

Ce modèle vous permet de créer votre propre site d’aide, avec des colonnes, des en-têtes et des sous-pages. Vous pouvez facilement partager cette page avec vos utilisateurs, et ajouter rapidement de nouvelles pages d’aide au besoin.

Aperçu du modèle de Site d’aide

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