At Five Good Friends, we value fairness and transparency, and we want everyone to be treated this way. Our goal is to maintain a safe, reliable, and professional environment for our Helpers and our Members.

This page outlines important information about why and how a Five Good Friends Helper account may be temporarily or permanently deactivated. Here you’ll find the reasons for deactivation, advice on how to prevent deactivation, and steps on how to appeal a decision to deactivate your profile.

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Q. Why is my Five Good Friends account deactivated?

A Helper account may be temporarily or permanently deactivated for the following reasons:

  1. Inactivity:

If your account has not worked on the platform for a period of greater than 6 months Five Good Friends will archive your account.  We will first message you about this, and give you the opportunity to reconnect.  You can at any time reach back out to us to reactivate your account.

What can I do to avoid losing access?

  1. Requested by you

If we have received a message from you stating that you no longer wish to be active on the platform, your account will be archived.

  1. Compliance

Working in the Aged and Disability Care sector is a privilege that comes with a raft of compliance requirements that are set by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.  There are also other government departments that require Five Good Friends to collect information (such as working rights).  If we have not received the required documents, or they have expired, we are unable to have your profile active on the platform and must set your account to Inactive.  Some examples of these of these include:

What can I do to avoid losing access?

  1. Complaint or incident

If there is a serious complaint or allegation against the worker resulting in an investigation and/or reportable incident, we may need to temporarily suspend or permanently archive your account.  We will notify you if this occurs.

  1. Breach of the Brokerage Agreement

If Five Good Friends has found that there is a violation of the Brokerage Agreement between yourself and Five Good Friends, your account may be either temporarily suspended or permanently archived.  Some examples of violations include:

What can I do to avoid losing access?

  1. Poor performance:

Consistent failure to meet performance standards, as determined by Five Good Friends, including but not limited to:

What can I do to avoid losing access?

  1. Safety concerns

If a worker poses a safety risk to themselves or others your account may be either temporarily suspended or permanently archived. This includes abusive or unacceptable behaviour towards a Five Good Friends employee.

  1. Legal Issues

If a Helper is involved in legal proceedings that may negatively impact the platform’s reputation.



Q. What steps are involved in the deactivation process?

  1. Notice: The platform will provide a Helper with a written notice, including the reason for deactivation, ways to respond to the deactivation, and the applicable appeal process.
  2. Temporary suspension: In some cases, the platform may temporarily suspend the worker's account pending an investigation or resolution of the issue. Temporary suspension will also be used as the initial step for compliance failures.
  3. Deactivation: If the issue cannot be resolved, the platform may proceed with the deactivation of the worker's account.
  4. Appeals process: Workers who believe their account has been deactivated unfairly may submit an appeal within 14 days of the deactivation notice. The appeal will be reviewed by the relevant Head of Department. The platform will provide the worker with a decision on their appeal within 14 days. </aside>


Q. What does it mean if my profile is deactivated?


Q. Where can I get further information?