v; for(info_type info; file >> info;) // keep reading until we run out { // we only get here if the read succeeded v.push_back(info); } for(auto const& info: v) { std::cout << " name: " << info.name << '\n'; std::cout << " age: " << info.age << " years" << '\n'; std::cout << "height: " << info.height << "lbs" << '\n'; std::cout << '\n'; } }"> v; for(info_type info; file >> info;) // keep reading until we run out { // we only get here if the read succeeded v.push_back(info); } for(auto const& info: v) { std::cout << " name: " << info.name << '\n'; std::cout << " age: " << info.age << " years" << '\n'; std::cout << "height: " << info.height << "lbs" << '\n'; std::cout << '\n'; } }"> v; for(info_type info; file >> info;) // keep reading until we run out { // we only get here if the read succeeded v.push_back(info); } for(auto const& info: v) { std::cout << " name: " << info.name << '\n'; std::cout << " age: " << info.age << " years" << '\n'; std::cout << "height: " << info.height << "lbs" << '\n'; std::cout << '\n'; } }">
struct info_type
    std::string name;
    int age;
    float height;
    // we define an overload of operator>> as a friend function which
    // gives in privileged access to private data members 
    friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, info_type& info)
        // skip whitespace
        is >> std::ws;
        std::getline(is, info.name);
        is >> info.age;
        is >> info.height;
        return is;

void func4()
    auto file = std::ifstream("file4.txt");

    std::vector<info_type> v;

    for(info_type info; file >> info;) // keep reading until we run out
        // we only get here if the read succeeded

    for(auto const& info: v)
        std::cout << "  name: " << info.name << '\\n';
        std::cout << "   age: " << info.age << " years" << '\\n';
        std::cout << "height: " << info.height << "lbs" << '\\n';
        std::cout << '\\n';


Wogger Wabbit
Bilbo Baggins
Mary Poppins


name: Wogger Wabbit
 age: 2 years
height: 6.2lbs

name: Bilbo Baggins
 age: 111 years
height: 81.3lbs

name: Mary Poppins
 age: 29 years
height: 154.8lbs