<aside> 🍵 A matcha a day keeps life’s worries at bay
<aside> ✅ To-Do List
<aside> 🍵 Reflections
$$ \color{#548064}\colorbox{EEF3ED}{\huge{\texttt{🍵 Life Wiki 🍵}}} $$
<aside> 💡 You can use this budgeting template to track your expenses. Here just add the transaction along with the tags. In the right columns to ‘Account 1’ table, you can also oversee how much money you are spending on a particular category.
This template has been a collaboration between The Matcha Vibe and Smoul! If you like this template, we appreciate if you give this a ⭐️ 5-star rating, leave a donation, and check out our socials for more content!
Thank you so much for getting my template today, and I hope it helps you have a matcha-better day! 💚🍵
<aside> 📷 Instagram - matcha, home cafe, cafe hopping
<aside> 🎧 Spotify - playlists helping you feel in The Matcha Vibe 🎧
<aside> 📧 Email - business & collabs!
<aside> 🌱 Donate - If you like this template and want to show some support, please leave a donation to help me build more Notion templates! 💚🍵
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We’ve put our heart and soul into this template for you! Hope you enjoy using it as much as we enjoyed making it!
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