What is Git?

<aside> 🗃️ Free and open source version control system.


What is Version Control?

<aside> 💾 The management of changes to documents, computer programs, large websites, and other collections of information.


What is GitHub?

<aside> 🌐 A website to host your repositories online.



<aside> 📦 Project, or the folder/place where your project is kept.


<aside> 📦 A project's repository contains all of the project's files and stores each file's revision history.


Source: Git & GitHub Tutorial for Beginners playlist

Source: Git & GitHub Tutorial for Beginners playlist

<aside> 📁 The 'My Project' folder in the picture is the repository on the local machine which is tracked by Git.


<aside> 📁 The .git folder inside the 'My Project' folder confirms that the folder is a repository.


<aside> 📁 Because the .git folder is at the root level, Git is going to track any changes in the folder, including changes to the subfolder.


<aside> 📁 If the .git folder was in the 'img' folder and not at the root level, then Git would've only tracked changes to the 'img' folder. So, only the 'img' folder would've been the repository.


<aside> 🔍 Git tracks the content of the project folder/repository for us.


Source: Git & GitHub Tutorial for Beginners playlist

Source: Git & GitHub Tutorial for Beginners playlist

<aside> 📁 After any changes to a file is made, it is in the 'Modified' stage. Such files are modified files.


<aside> 📁 If we want to save the modified file to the repo/include it in the commit, then we add the file to the 'Staging' area.
