std::function can cause significant overhead. Because std::function has [value semantics][1], it must copy or move the given callable into itself. But since it can take callables of an arbitrary type, it will frequently have to allocate memory dynamically to do this.

Some function implementations have so-called “small object optimization”, where small types (like function pointers, member pointers, or functors with very little state) will be stored directly in the function object. But even this only works if the type is noexcept move constructible. Furthermore, the C++ standard does not require that all implementations provide one.

Consider the following:

//Header file
using MyPredicate = std::function<bool(const MyValue &, const MyValue &)>;

void SortMyContainer(MyContainer &C, const MyPredicate &pred);

//Source file
void SortMyContainer(MyContainer &C, const MyPredicate &pred)
    std::sort(C.begin(), C.end(), pred);

A template parameter would be the preferred solution for SortMyContainer, but let us assume that this is not possible or desirable for whatever reason. SortMyContainer does not need to store pred beyond its own call. And yet, pred may well allocate memory if the functor given to it is of some non-trivial size.

function allocates memory because it needs something to copy/move into; function takes ownership of the callable it is given. But SortMyContainer does not need to own the callable; it’s just referencing it. So using function here is overkill; it may be efficient, but it may not.

There is no standard library function type that merely references a callable. So an alternate solution will have to be found, or you can choose to live with the overhead.

Also, function has no effective means to control where the memory allocations for the object come from. Yes, it has constructors that take an allocator, but [many implementations do not implement them correctly… or even at all][2].

The function constructors that take an allocator no longer are part of the type. Therefore, there is no way to manage the allocation.

Calling a function is also slower than calling the contents directly. Since any function instance could hold any callable, the call through a function must be indirect. The overhead of calling function is on the order of a virtual function call.