Lead Magnet Lab

Fill your email list with warm leads ready to buy from you...so you can send emails that get sales, not just opens and clicks…even if you’re setting up your list for the very first time
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The Lead Magnet Lab is a Notion template that helps you come up with irresistible freebie ideas in a matter of minutes (for consultants, coaches, and service providers who want to fill their lists with warm leads who are ready to buy)

You’ll be able to:

•Generate compelling freebie ideas on demand, whenever you need to
•Follow a step-by-step process that walks you from no idea to multiple ideas that are perfectly tailored to your audience (because generic freebies don’t cut it in 2024)
•Know that your freebies are designed to warm up your audience (so they sell themselves on working with you)
•Create lead magnets that your audience wants to consume (instead of becoming another file collecting digital dust somewhere)
•Enjoy the satisfaction of creating freebies that actually help your audience (instead of totally random ideas that may or may not help)

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