Nuestras plantillas favoritas de Notion Sites

Te damos la bienvenida a esta colección cuidadosamente curada de sitios elegantes y atractivos que fueron diseñados para que des a conocer tu pequeña empresa, start-up tecnológica o tus habilidades personales, servicios, eventos y recomendaciones. Con Notion, crear y publicar un sitio web impresionante nunca había sido tan fácil. Gracias a nuestras plantillas versátiles puedes:

  • Crear sitios sin esfuerzo: usa la interfaz intuitiva de Notion para diseñar tu sitio, ya sea para uso profesional o personal.

  • Publicar sin problemas: transforma tus documentos de Notion en sitios web hermosos y completamente funcionales en unos pocos clics.

  • Editar con facilidad: actualiza y haz cambios en tu sitio en tiempo real sin complicaciones. Así, tu sitio siempre estará actualizado.

  • Dominios personalizados: agrega un dominio personalizado para que el sitio sea realmente tuyo y puedas fortalecer tu presencia en línea.

¿Quieres crear un porfolio para destacar tu experiencia y conocimientos, un página de eventos o crear un sitio dinámico para tu negocio? Las plantillas de Notion te brindan el punto de partida perfecto. Comparte tu trabajo y tu vida con el mundo con estilo y sin esfuerzos. Empieza a construir tu presencia en línea aún hoy con el poder y la flexibilidad de las herramientas de Notion.

1Careers Page

This careers page template is designed to help organizations attract and manage job applicants effectively. The template includes a comprehensive jobs board for posting current openings and detailed job descriptions, making it straightforward for potential candidates to find and apply for positions.

It features a section to showcase your company culture and values, providing applicants with insights into your workplace environment. Highlight employee testimonials and benefits to offer a complete perspective on working with your organization.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Careers Page

2Brand Style Guide

A comprehensive branding guide. This template includes your brand's purpose, positioning statement, personality traits, logos, color palette, typography, and tone of voice to create a consistent brand identity, which is crucial for connecting with your target audience.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Brand Style Guide

3Pitch Deck Template

Stand out from the crowd and create your pitch deck using Notion. This template structure is based on an analysis of the most successful startup pitch decks, and it helps you build a compelling pitch deck that can get you funded.

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4Small Business Website

This sleek bakery website template is designed to highlight your bakery's unique charm and mouth-watering products. The "Our Story" section allows you to share your bakery's journey and connect with customers. The "Menu" section showcases your range of baked goods, enticing visitors with detailed descriptions and prices. The "Favorite Baking Recipes" section invites your audience to explore and try out your best recipes, creating a community of baking enthusiasts.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Small Business Website

5Fitness Studio Site

This minimal fitness studio website template is perfect for showcasing your fitness studio's offerings with elegance and simplicity.
The template includes a section for adding and managing your class schedule, ensuring clients can easily view and book sessions. High-quality images of your studio facilities can be displayed to attract and impress potential members.
Additionally, a dedicated section for subscription plans allows you to clearly present your pricing options, making it easy for visitors to find the right plan for them.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Fitness Studio Site

6Simple Personal Website

Create a stunning personal website right in your workspace. This template lets you craft an online website that stands out. Easily share your site with a link in your job applications, and update it anytime to keep it fresh—even after sending it out.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Simple Personal Website

7Blog personal

Esta plantilla de blog versátil y adaptable es perfecta para compartir el más diverso contenido, desde opiniones personales hasta artículos informativos. Apta tanto para bloggers experimentados como para principiantes, su diseño sencillo asegura que tu voz personal brille en cada entrada.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Blog personal

8Personal Portfolio

Set up your portfolio in Notion to showcase and highlight your projects, skills, and achievements to potential clients, customers, or employers.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Personal Portfolio

9Party Invite

This fun and casual dinner party invite template is perfect for gathering friends for a memorable evening. It includes sections for the date, time, and location of the party, making it easy to share all the important details.

There’s space to add a personal message or fun note, setting the tone for a relaxed and enjoyable get-together. You can also include any special instructions, such as bringing a dish or dress code.

Create a warm and welcoming invitation that will get your friends excited for a great night!

Vista previa de una plantilla para Party Invite

10Save our date

This wedding invite template has everything you need to share the joy of your special day. Find all the key details about the place and time of the wedding so your guests know where to be and when.

There’s info on where guests can stay and some cool local spots to check out. The registry section makes it easy for guests to find the perfect gift.

And don't miss the wedding plan section, which lays out the whole schedule, including venues and times, so everyone is in the loop. It's perfect for keeping all your wedding details organized and stylish!

Vista previa de una plantilla para Save our date

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