
Lyka uses Notion to get their teams on the same page and save over $75k a year on their tool stack

Lyka uses Notion to organize knowledge and run more flexible, scalable workflows. They consolidated siloed work happening in disparate tools like and Confluence into Notion to work more collaboratively and efficiently than ever before.

Perspectivas de

Lauren Goldman

Senior Business Operations Manager

Cass Do Carmo

Sr. Brand Marketing Manager

Casos de uso
Uso en toda la empresa, Wiki y Project Management

Consolidating tools for better alignment

Tool bloat. It’s a feeling that more and more companies are starting to understand. The number of tools they use has increased a ton over the years — on average, businesses with fewer than 500 employees use 172 tools.

The result? Employees are overwhelmed by their tool stacks, and don’t know where to go to find the information they need. Docs live in one place, projects live in another, and everyone’s work is slowed down jumping from tool to tool.

That was Lauren Goldman’s first big project when she joined Lyka in early 2023. Since every team was using different tools, she had to figure out how to get the company on the same page and consolidate its tool stack.

Lyka is leading the charge toward a healthier era of dog food in Australia. Offering a simple yet powerful approach to canine nutrition – real food. With 30 million meals devoured and thousands of 5-star reviews, the Lyka team has rapidly expanded to support growth. But as its internal team grew, the company’s processes didn’t scale with it. Lyka needed to find a way to make sure its growing teams could work together in a more effective, collaborative way.

Even though they’re all working on the same mission, each team was on its own island. Separate tools, disparate workflows, and ineffective collaboration between teams. Operations was in Notion, while Marketing worked in, and Product worked in Confluence. Some teams weren’t even on digital systems at all. And while some shared knowledge existed across different tools, there wasn’t a single source of truth.

Lyka Pup
Every team had a different way of working, so Slack became the only thing that helped bring us together. While we could communicate, work was still happening everywhere — we didn’t have one trusted tool.
Lauren Goldman
Lauren Goldman
Senior Business Operations Manager

Making the case for integrating workflows into Notion

Just like the care they put into their product, Lyka is very intentional about its processes and has very strong philosophies about how to work together. As a growing company that moves so quickly, they know they have to get it right — building effective workflows doesn’t just reduce headaches, it’s the key to company success.

For Lyka, Notion checked every box — plus, it was a huge cost-savings. While upgrading their existing tools to enterprise plans would have given them a lot of the features they were looking for, it would have been prohibitively expensive and wouldn’t have solved their core workflow problems.

Lyka Tool Needs
When Lauren set out to find a new solution for all teams at Lyka, there were a few important needs.

The transition and the challenge of managing change

Once Lauren and team landed on Notion, the big challenge then became how to get all teams (and their respective workflows) into Notion. To kickstart the process, Lauren took on a lot of the work. She moved all existing data into Notion, capturing all of Lyka’s historical information and knowledge that existed across disparate tools.

To make the transition to Notion even smoother, Lauren set up internal guidelines and resources to help everyone get on board. She even created a Slack channel to help answer questions, share inspiration, and create a new way of working.

They also focused on creating a culture of documentation, one where they were consistently putting all information into Notion. For Lyka, that meant sharing out Notion links at every opportunity — in company all hands meetings, team syncs, and project kickoffs.

Lyka WoW
As a part of transitioning everyone on to the same tool, Lauren created Lyka's first Ways of Working guidelines to define how teams should be using Notion and collaborating together overall.

Instead of adapting to a new tool, each team adapted the same tool to their own unique needs

Since Notion is flexible, each team at Lyka has been able to transform the tool into what they need. They no longer have to adapt to their tool — instead, Notion works how they want.

The Marketing team, for example, has a dedicated Marketing home page where all the team’s workflows, calendars, planning docs, and resources are hosted. It’s the central one-stop-shop where everyone on the team can find what they need to stay up to speed on current projects. The team also hosts its weekly checkin-ins and leadership meetings here too. That way, they can easily keep a running tab of wins, misses, and growth updates. It’s also easier to work with cross-functional partners and bring them into marketing workflows, too. Before, requests were simply sent via Slack or email. Now, anyone can submit a request for things like a new social post or updated merch in Notion. Marketing can now track and complete projects, and update partners — all from one database.

But it’s not just Marketing — all teams across the company have adopted Notion as their tool of choice, and they’ve been able to build new workflows that weren’t possible before. The Research & Development team uses the Slack integration to log incoming requests. The People team built the company’s onboarding program using a robust database to make sure all new employees have the right course materials and videos to get up to speed faster. Even Lyka’s manufacturing team that’s only ever relied on pen and paper can operate in the same digital tool used by everyone else.

When everyone is able to consume AND contribute information to a single workspace, it pushes transparency from top to bottom. That way, there are clear lines of sight to what’s being worked on and how those decisions are made.

File Organization Illustration
Lyka Creative Request Board
Lyka streamlined how projects needing creative assets are managed with an easy way for cross functional team members to make requests and keep their projects on track, with a bird's-eye view of all projects on deck to understand priorities and workflows.
Now that everyone is working in the same place, we’re empowered to do so much more.
Cass Do Carmo
Cass Do Carmo
Sr. Brand Marketing Manager

A better way to work with real business results

For Lauren and the others at Lyka, moving into Notion has changed the way they’re able to work. They’re more collaborative and efficient, and can get to market faster than they have before.

They’ve seen some key business results too. By consolidating into one Enterprise plan in Notion, Lyka has saved over $75k annually (about $500 per team member) on their tool stack. But their cost savings were just one part of improving their bottom line. The company is now working more efficiently and collaboratively than ever, and is able to get the highest quality product to market faster.

For Lauren and others at Lyka, everyone coming together in Notion has changed the way they’re able to work. They’ve started to build a true culture of documentation across the company. One where information isn’t just captured well — it’s organized and distributed well, too.

Lyka HQ
The Lyka HQ wiki is where all important company-wide information lives, like strategic priorities, mission and vision, and upcoming company events.
Everything starts and lives in Notion now. It’s the one place to go when you need anything — it’s become our one-stop shop for everything at Lyka.
Lauren Goldman
Lauren Goldman
Senior Business Operations Manager

Beat your team's tool bloat

The Notion remedy is available on your computer. We also have iOS & Android apps to match.

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