The request object provides information on the request that was made to the route. To utilize this object, it must be imported from the flask module:

from flask import request

URL Parameters

In previous examples request.method and request.form were used, however we can also use the request.args property to retrieve a dictionary of the keys/values in the URL parameters.

def user_api(username):
        token = request.args.get("key")
        if key == "pA55w0Rd":
            if isUser(username): # The code of this method is irrelevant
                joined = joinDate(username) # The code of this method is irrelevant
                return "User " + username + " joined on " + joined
                return "User not found"
            return "Incorrect key"
    # If there is no key parameter
    except KeyError:
        return "No key provided"

To correctly authenticate in this context, the following URL would be needed (replacing the username with any username:

File Uploads

If a file upload was part of the submitted form in a POST request, the files can be handled using the request object:

@app.route("/upload", methods=["POST"])
def upload_file():
    f = request.files["wordlist-upload"]"/var/www/uploads/" + f.filename) # Store with the original filename


The request may also include cookies in a dictionary similar to the URL parameters.

def home():
        username = request.cookies.get("username")
        return "Your stored username is " + username
    except KeyError:
        return "No username cookies was found")