
In this guide, you will learn how to set a benefit offer when updating an employment.

Before you get started

Before you begin, make sure that you have already created an employment, as benefits can only be added through updates to an existing employment.

How to work with benefits

When updating an employment, it's possible to add the benefits under the contract_details field.

Locked Benefits

In certain countries, regulations stipulate that once an employer defines an offer for the first employee, the offer becomes locked for all subsequent employments.

In such cases, each benefit Group for subsequent employment has a default value and only one option available, which is the one that was selected in the first employment.

Opt-out from benefits

In some countries, employers are not required to offer certain benefits. In such cases, there may be an option to indicate that no benefit will be offered to employees. In countries with multiple groups, this selection can be made on a per-group basis.

Single-Question vs Multi-Questions

Depending on the country, employers may choose either one benefit tier or make a selection from multiple groups.


Refers to a scenario (country) where the employer selects only one tier from one list of options.

This field just requires a string value. In the JSON Schema, it’s an inputType: "radio" with the various options described.

$ curl --location --request PATCH '<https://gateway.remote-sandbox.com/v1/employments/9fb23136-bb7c-488a-b5dc-37d3b7c9033b>' \\
     --header …
     --data-raw '{
    "contract_details": {
        "benefits": "Basic (US Life Health…)",
