Avoid Ambiguity

The name of classes, structures, functions and variables should avoid ambiguity.


extension List {
    public mutating func remove(at position: Index) -> Element {
        // implementation

The function call to this function will then look like this:

list.remove(at: 42)

This way, ambiguity is avoided. If the function call would be just list.remove(42) it would be unclear, if an Element equal to 42 would be removed or if the Element at Index 42 would be removed.

Avoid Redundancy

The name of functions should not contain redundant information.

A bad example would be:

extension List {
    public mutating func removeElement(element: Element) -> Element? {
        // implementation

A call to the function may look like list.removeElement(someObject). The variable someObject already indicates, that an Element is removed. It would be better for the function signature to look like this:

extension List {
    public mutating func remove(_ member: Element) -> Element? {
        // implementation

The call to this function looks like this: list.remove(someObject).

Naming variables according to their role

Variables should be named by their role (e.g. supplier, greeting) instead of their type (e.g. factory, string, etc..)

High coupling between Protocol Name and Variable Names

If the name of the type describes its role in most cases (e.g. Iterator), the type should be named with the suffix