To get working with IISNode, the only changes necessary when not using a Virtual Directory/Nested Application are within the Web.config.

Since sends requests starting with /, IISNode needs to communicate to IIS that these should also be handled IISNode and aren’t just static file requests or other traffic. This requires a different <handler> than standard IISNode apps.

    <add name="iisnode-socketio" path="server.js" verb="*" modules="iisnode" />

In addition to the changes to the <handlers> we also need to add an additional URL rewrite rule. The rewrite rule sends all / traffic to our server file where the server is running.

<rule name="SocketIO" patternSyntax="ECMAScript">
    <match url=""/>
    <action type="Rewrite" url="server.js"/>

If you are using IIS 8, you’ll need to disable your webSockets setting in your Web.config in addition to adding the above handler and rewrite rules. This is unnecessary in IIS 7 since there is no webSocket support.

<webSocket enabled="false" />