Method Overriding and Overloading are two forms of polymorphism supported by Java.

Method Overloading

Method overloading (also known as static Polymorphism) is a way you can have two (or more) methods (functions) with same name in a single class. Yes its as simple as that.

public class Shape{
    //It could be a circle or rectangle or square
    private String type;
    //To calculate area of rectangle
    public Double area(Long length, Long breadth){
        return (Double) length * breadth;
     //To calculate area of a circle
     public Double area(Long radius){
        return (Double) 3.14 * r * r;

This way user can call the same method for area depending on the type of shape it has.

But the real question now is, how will java compiler will distinguish which method body is to be executed?

Well Java have made it clear that even though the method names (area() in our case) can be same but the arguments method is taking should be different.

Overloaded methods must have different arguments list (quantity and types).

That being said we cannot add another method to calculate area of a square like this : public Double area(Long side) because in this case, it will conflict with area method of circle and will cause ambiguity for java compiler.

Thank god, there are some relaxations while writing overloaded methods like

May have different return types.

May have different access modifiers.

May throw different exceptions.

Why is this called static polymorphism?

Well that’s because which overloaded methods is to be invoked is decided at compile time, based on the actual number of arguments and the compile-time types of the arguments.

One of common reasons of using method overloading is the simplicity of code it provides. For example remember String.valueOf() which takes almost any type of argument? What is written behind the scene is probably something like this :-

static String valueOf(boolean b) 
static String valueOf(char c) 
static String valueOf(char[] data) 
static String valueOf(char[] data, int offset, int count) 
static String valueOf(double d) 
static String valueOf(float f) 
static String valueOf(int i) 
static String valueOf(long l) 
static String valueOf(Object obj)

Method Overriding

Well, method overriding (yes you guess it right, it is also known as dynamic polymorphism) is somewhat more interesting and complex topic.

In method overriding we overwrite the method body provided by the parent class. Got it? No? Let’s go through an example.