7 templates to automate your work with Buttons

Buttons can help automate and simplify repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and help you do several things at once.

Whether your team is brainstorming your next big idea or automating your habit tracker, you can use buttons to generate content, create pages, edit database entries, and more. Buttons can produce a pop-up confirmation window, open a page as a preview or in full, and insert any kind of blocks into your page. They can also be used to assign tasks to team members, and generate meeting notes, so you can spend less time cranking through manual work and more time building!

To get started, pick a template you like, duplicate it into your workspace, and customize it.


Mit dieser Vorlage können deine Teams nun noch besser virtuell zusammenarbeiten. Die neuen Buttons und KI-Blöcke in Notion fördern kreative Herangehensweisen und eignen sich ideal für produktive Brainstorming-Sessions zwischen remote arbeitenden Teammitgliedern. Mit der Vorlage können Fragen ganz leicht gesammelt und Ideen mit nur einem Klick eingebracht werden – so lassen sich mühelos neue Ansätze ausarbeiten und entsprechende Aktionselemente planen.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Remote-Brainstorming

2Report a Bug

Streamline your bug reporting process with this “Report a Bug” template, leveraging Notion's button feature to optimize issue management workflows. This template uses a database for logging and monitoring software bugs, enabling team members to swiftly report issues with a single click. Use this template to improve communication and expedite bug resolution.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Report a Bug

3Tracker für Gewohnheiten

Tracke deine Gewohnheiten, um am Ball zu bleiben. Mit dem neuen Button in Notion kannst du mit einem Klick abhaken, welche geplanten Aktionen du für den Tag schon erledigt hast. Ob du nun mehr Wasser trinken, mehr Sport treiben oder meditieren willst – diese Vorlage hilft dir dabei, positive Gewohnheiten zu kultivieren.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Tracker für Gewohnheiten

4Async Doc Reviews

Simplify your team’s document review process by leveraging Notion’s button block. This template allows team members to request doc reviews, provide feedback, and track progress asynchronously - reducing the need for emails and meetings. Use this template to accelerate the review process and focus on what matters most.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Async Doc Reviews

5Task Triage

Streamline your team's task and bug management with this "Task Triage" template. This template organizes tasks and bugs in a database, allowing for easy triage and assignment. Use the "Triage all tasks to me" button to automatically assign tasks to the user who clicks the button, ensuring a smooth rotation during the triage process. Use this template for a more efficient and organized task management system.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Task Triage

6Daily journal

Build your self-awareness and personal growth with this “Daily journal” template in Notion. With the help of Notion’s button feature, you can create a new journal entry with a click of a button. Use this template to organize your thoughts and streamline your journalling.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Daily journal

7Submit a design request

Streamline your team's design requests with Notion’s new buttons. With a simple click of the "Submit a Design Request" button, team members can effortlessly create a new entry in the database, making it easy to track and manage requests. Use this template to enhance communication and ensure a smooth, organized design request process for your team.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Submit a design request
